Widora AIRV/K210 Board with ESP8266/ESP8285 Espressif Wifi and Kendryte K210 AI

Having been keeping an eye on Widora and Espressif for quite a bit. I finally decided to test out Widora‘s development board AIRV.

1. Background Knowledge

1.1 Espressif

Espressif is based in Shanghai, China, focusing on Wifi/Bluetooth chips, now have two main Wifi modules:

1.2 Widora

Widora is headquartered in Beijing, China, providing development boards using Espressif Wifi/Bluetooth chips.

1.3 Kendryte

NEVER heard of Kendryte before. It seems Kendryte develops some AI based on Risc-V chip architecture? That seems to be a good concept…

1.4 HiFive

As for Risc-V, HiFive developed by SiFive has to be mentioned in any case.

For me, a NOBODY has NOT had any chance or capability to deal with chips… So… shame… Anyway, let’s test it out… ^_^

2. Test on Widora AIRV Face Detection

By using a RUBBISH USB cable, you should already be able to run the face detection sample code existing inside the board.

Normal Occlusion
Widora AIRV Face Detection Widora AIRV Face Detection with Occlusion

However, you really need to use a QUALIFIED Micro-B USB to USB Type A cable, in order to list the device out by lsusb.

➜  ~ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 010: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP2102/CP2109 UART Bridge Controller [CP210x family]

3. PlatformIO IDE for VSCode

PlatformIO IDE

4. Reflash Widora AIRV