Install Armbian Debian onto Longer Vision Technology H3 Board

Today’s weather is perfect for this party: annual summer alumni party of Wuhan University.

Alumni Me
Alumni Me

Today, I’ve got another GOOD news: our ARM Linux board based on AllWinner H3 is demonstrated successful.

1. Hardware

1.1 Appearance

Yeah, this is how OUR OWN board looks like:

LongerVisionTech H3 Board

1.2 Specifications

From the appearance, it’s NOT hard to tell the specifications:

Device Version Units
USB 2.0 2
Wired 100Mbps 1
HDMI 1.4 1
Power Adaptor 5V 1

2. Flash Armbian Debian

2.1 Armbian for AllWinner H3

Armbian provides abundant info for AllWinner H3:

2.2 Armbian for Orange Pi PC

I’m so lucky today that I tried ONLY ONE TIME and have this Debian Buster with Armbian Linux for Orange Pi PC successfully installed and run on our board. You just need to download and extract Armbian_5.91_Orangepipc_Debian_buster_next_4.19.59.img out, and have it installed by dd.

2.3 Longer Vision Technology H3 Board Test

It’s NOT hard to find out your board’s IP address

  • either from within your router
  • or boot your board with a monitor and run the command ip -c address.

Now, you should be able to SSH into your H3 baord directly as follows:

Armbian for LVT H3 Board

After you run

  • sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade
  • sudo armbian-config

you should be able to upgrade your Debian Buster with Armbian Linux from 4.19.59-sunxi to 4.19.62-sunxi.

longervision-GT72-6QE% ssh longervision@
longervision@'s password:
___ ____ _ ____ ____
/ _ \| _ \(_) | _ \ / ___|
| | | | |_) | | | |_) | |
| |_| | __/| | | __/| |___
\___/|_| |_| |_| \____|

Welcome to Debian Buster with Armbian Linux 4.19.62-sunxi
System load: 0.16 0.12 0.08 Up time: 6 min
Memory usage: 18 % of 460MB IP:
CPU temp: 79°C
Usage of /: 2% of 58G

Last login: Sun Aug 25 20:13:29 2019 from

3. Issues

It’s a kind of late. Let me finish this up for now ASAP.

3.1 Hardware Issues

  • ONLY 1 USB 2.0 port is working properly.
  • It’s EASY to reach the critical temperature, as showing:

Critial Temperature Reached

3.2 Features Expected

We really need a better low-cost chip to provide the support for:

  • USB 3.0
  • GigE