Ignition Robotics - Gazebo
It seems Gazebo is NOW a part of Ignition Robotics??? Please take a look at my Ignition Robotics Bitbucket Issue What's the realationship between ign-gazebo and gazebo? And, today, let's build IgnitionRobotics from source.
How to Build IgnitionRobotics
Use Branch gz11
NOTE: In order to have the LATEST version built, please make sure you always give the priority to branch gz11 rather than branch default.
For instance ign-cmake:
1 | git clone https://bitbucket.org/ignitionrobotics/ign-cmake/src/gz11/ |
Important Things
Two things to emphasize before building. 1. To have all the packages at Ignition Robotics Development Libraries successfully built, we need to build all libraries in a particular sequence. 2. Some required 3rd-party libraries are additionally installed while building Ignition Robotics Development Libraries, including:
- gdal
- OpenSceneGraph
- Ogre2
- vrpn
- OSVR: Please
make sure unifiedvideoinertialtracker is excluded from
building for now.
- folly: required by unifiedvideoinertialtracker, which requires boost built by C++14. For now, this is excluded from building.
Build Ignition Robotics
Now, let's start building Ignition Robotics Development Libraries.
- ign-cmake: BUILD_TESTING OFF
- ign-math: ruby-dev needs to be installed FIRST
- ign-common: libgts needs to be installed FIRST
- ign-tools
- ign-msgs
- ign-transport:
CXX_FLAGS=-I/usr/include/c++/7 and comment out line #35
of file test_config.h.
//#include <filesystem> // line 35
- ign-rendering: Modify CMakeLists.txt line 62, ogre to ogre2
- ign-plugin
- ign-gui
- ign-fuel-tools
- SDFormat8: C++8 is required for building
- ign-physics: Since I'm using dart 7.0, please figure out some trivial bugs about DartLoader in file DARTDoublePendulum.cc.
- ign-sensors
- ign-gazebo
- gazebo:
Going to be deprecated soon
-- Oculus Rift support will be disabled.
Some Bugs Proposed by Me
- What's the realationship between ign-gazebo and gazebo?
- Should I have both OGRE and OGRE2 installed?
- gz11 - Missing: ignition-rendering1 (Components: ogre)
- make[6]: *** [CMakeFiles/codecheck] Error 1
Some Tests
ign-rendering via Ogre2 Test
1 | 21:31:15: Starting .../IgnitionRobotics/Ogre2Demo... |

ign-gazebo Performance Test